miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

You Belong With Me

Taylor Swift-You Belong With Me

Taylor's New Music Video for "You Belong With Me" has officially released and you can watch it on CMT on this link! This is Definitely my favorite video of all times and I know I said this earlier with White Horse but this video is so different, hilarious and simply amazing! Taylor worked so hard on it and she played both characters but its all paid off!

Taylor Swift and in London

Love Taylor Swift. So cute. Is a teen, acts like a teen and I never want to punch her in the beat-me mouth. Taylor Swift doesn’t have a beat-me mouth. Or, for that matter, a beat-me father.This is Taylor on the new cover of Flare on stands May 11th. What does she look like with straight hair? Am curious to see.Anyway, in the interview, Taylor tells the magazine that, given that her fanbase is so young, and that the economy is in the sh-ts, it was important to her to make her tour affordable: “It was important for me to make my new tour available to all people—even ones who are having had a hard time with the economy. I don’t want anyone to be excluded from my audience because of money problems.”She’s also not down with boys who can’t handle her celebrity – like a Vagina Virgin who has to be the centre of attention…and his band? “I steer clear from guys that have an issue with me having the spot light. If someone I’m with gets really irritated when fans comes up and ask for my autograph, it’s never going to work out. That’s a definite red flag.”But Taylor’s biggest problem? In my opinion, Taylor’s biggest problem is the JailBait. She’s friends with the Jailbait. And we’re talking Nicole Richie/Ebola Hilton here. It’s a major flaw.“Miley is definitely not my competition. I think it would be a real shame to disallow yourself from having a really cool friendship with someone just because they are in the same line of work. You can never prevent people from creating feuds in the media, but what you can do is control how you view competition. I just don’t compete with other people, I compete with myself.”Here’s Taylor in London last night happily hanging out with fans who were waiting outside her hotel.

Taylor Lautner, Selena Gomez and Families Go out for Dinner

Taylor Lautner and
Selena Gomez

New moon star Taylor Lautner and his friend Selena Gomez as well as their families went to dinner with each other yesterday, following a more private lunch with just Taylor and Selena during the day.
''After lunch, Selena and Taylor went for a walk, picked up some groceries, enjoyed some down time''.
And then at night - it's the cutest!- the had dinner at the Spagetti Factory ...with their families! All together!

Demi Lovato in APFED Gala

Demi Lovato in Apdef
Demi Lovato attented the American Partnership For Eosinophilic Disorder Cala held at the Modrian Hotel on may 11, in West Hollywood, California.

We added screencapture and video for you to download of demi's Speech at the American Partnership for Disorder Gala. She hel a very touching speech!